Healthy Drinks For Summer

During summer it is very important to take some drinks to quench our thirst and to check high temperatures in our bodies. We can fulfill the above appealing while taking summer healthy drink, which not only cools you but also gives you energy and strengthen. These range from the traditional lemonade right to the newly innovated watermelon juice; these have very low sugar content yet are rich in nutrients. You can just add some mint leaves and ice to it so that it will have an extra refresh factor. If you are in need of a cool drink or a revitalizing drink full of nutrients these perfect summer waters are just perfect for the scorching summer weather.

Why Opt for Healthy Drinks For Summer?

When we get summer time many of us don’t mind indulging in flavoured soda or any other artificial drink. However, these options lead to several problems such as high probability of dehydration and high sugar content in the body. However, when it comes to taking refreshing summer drinks, one can beat summer while nourishing his/ her body as well. These sodas are made for refreshment purposes and as you can see, they’re also made from natural ingredients with little or no sugar added to them per portion.

1. Coconut Water

Healthy Drinks For Summer

Coconut water can be considered as one of the best drinks which can be consumed during hot summer. Another benefit of this vegetable is that, it has little amounts of sugar and the potassium levels are high hence essential for replacement of lost electrolytes when one is sweating. Due to its milk like consistency, it can best be described as a beverage that is perfect for warmer weathers. This is where you can go creative and add a few drops of soda to the mixture and a drop of lemon juice.

2. Mango Lassi

Mango lassi is a yogurt based drink with blended mangoes in it which is a pearl of north India. This is rather refreshing summer drink and a good source of calcium and proteins as well. For a non-sugar option you can replace sugar with monk fruit sweetener and add few sprigs of fresh mint to make it more refreshing.

3. Aam Panna

Healthy Drinks For Summer

Aam panna is widely consumed by all the regions of India during summers and is quite sour in taste. This prepared from raw mango has high content of vitamin C and is also one of the best drinks to take during the summer. It also incurs the use of cumin seeds and fresh mint both of which add to the flavor and assist digestion.

4. Lemonade

Lemonade is life at its best, that is why the classic drink is still around. In this regard, its prepared from lemon juice and water and its cooling and refreshing to the body. To make it health, use a simple syrup made from monk fruit or stevia instead of refined sugar for a better upgrade. For more Bob Marley touch feel free to add slices of cucumber or a few sprigs of fresh mint. 

5. Iced Tea 

Healthy Drinks For Summer

Okay, but they do not need to be sugary, nor do they have to come from cans and be bad for you, like these Iced teas. Instead, you can take green tea or herbal tea and add monk fruit sweetener in it. When placing the slices of lemon and fresh mint into the drink not only does it improve the taste but it also has extra healthy properties. non-sugar: This is a good drink for a number of people especially those who do not like their beverages to contain a lot of sugar.

6. Cucumber Mint Cooler

Here is an appropriate recipe for a summer drink using the many health benefits from the cucumber and the awesome flavor of mint leaves. Mash the cucumber with little amount of lemon juice and blend it with fresh mint then serve chilled. It’s a very easy method of ensuring that one is healthy, has taken water and enjoys the taste of this delicious, healthy treat. 

7. Jal Jeera

 Jal jeera is one of the most favourite summer drinks popular among the Indians which are prepared with spices like cumin seeds and black salt. This is a cool drink that is taken mostly in times of summer or hot weathers, which also has some effect on our digestive system. A special note for this particular category is jal jeera, which is also nice to have during summer and a kind of savoury.

8. Thandai

Healthy Drinks For Summer

Thandai is a popular drink specialties mostly liked in summers & during festival season. Prepared from milk, almonds, poppy seeds and a combination of spices such as jeera and cardamom, it’s a silky type. To maintain it healthy, do not add much sugar on it and try using honey as your option of sweetening instead.

9. Ragi Drink 

In summer seasons, ragi is used most often in preparing liquid beverages that are also consumed in the country. Full of nutrients and has a cooling effect on the body especially during hot seasons. A ragi drink is as healthy a beverage as can be; more importantly, such a drink doesn’t let you feel hungry soon after drinking it. They can be made with cardamom, vanilla if you want to add an extra flavor to your drink. 

10. Sparkling water with Fruit Accords

Healthy Drinks For Summer

To have a very healthy and thrilling drinking water during the summer, try adding some slices of mango or cucumber in sparkling water. This is a fizzy summer beverage with no added sugar and everyone will be able to taste the fruits used in the making of the drink. It is as easy a method of enhancing the level of body fluid intake in a healthy manner and at the same time bring variation to the drinking process. 

Tips for Creating Your Own Healthy Summer Drinks

When you come across the phrase “Summer drinks,” make sure to bookmark this article so you can easily follow our next recommendations when planning your own healthy summer drinks.

Use Fresh Ingredients: Choose fruits, and other natural additives including herbs such as mint or basil and spices for instance cumin to add to the taste of the drink as well as increasing the nutritional value of your drinks. 

Limit Added Sugar: Those concerned with calorie content should switch to natural sweeteners such as monk fruit, stevia among others. 

Stay Hydrated: Just a quick reminder – the purpose is to hydrate and to refresh, not to change the world. It is recommended that one gets to balance between water-based beverages and those beverages that contain natural electrolytes. 

Experiment with Flavors: You can make a recipe of this delicious and rejuvenating drink by blending several fruits, herbs as well as spices of your choice. 


With the Sun beaming down on us and summer fully on in the months ahead, having so many enjoyable yet healthy summer drinks can be such a boost in the way we feel during the day. Ranging from coconut water to mango lassi to jal jeera and sparkling water infused, these summer drink recipes do not only help to quench thirst but also tantalize the taste buds. It is just important to add these refreshing summer drinks to their life so that they can be fit and healthy during summer season. Thus, it is high time that you attempted these ten tasty and rejuvenating summer beverages and partoured the best of the summer liquid delights!

Read Also:-Best Juice To Drink For Health

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